Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Final Pregnancy Comments

Today is my first day of maternity leave. While I am due in 6 days, I am taking today to relax. The past few weeks have been interesting. Here is a rundown: two weeks ago I had a wicked cold. It was horrible. I was miserable, and then also 9 months pregnant. I am so glad that week is over. Last week was much better. I have had about a gazillion Braxton-Hicks contractions, and they are both painful and confusing. I think I finally have gotten a grip on them in the past week. I probably should be counting them more, but I get them so often (and they are always fake), that I have just started ignoring them. This week, I have actually felt pretty great.

This past weekend, Brandon and I went and walked all of Animal Kingdom. It was such a beautiful day, and all of the animals were out. While the walking did not induce labor, I am so glad to have such a fabulous husband. He has been really supportive, and there is a lot of laughter in our house. I think both of us are trying to enjoy this process as much as possible. He has listened patiently while I vented frustrations (like asking myself if these contractions are real), and he puts a hand on my belly to relax baby whenever I ask.

Speaking of his activeness, It is actually quite funny. A couple of weeks ago, he was pushing against me so hard I asked Brandon to push back because it hurt. The baby decided that this was a fun game, and punched Brandon back. It was hilarious. He is extremely awake from 3-6ish in the afternoon, and you can just see my entire belly move. I can’t recognize feet or hands or anything like that (some people tell me I would), but if I ignore the pain of him hitting things in my body that make me jump, he squirms and wiggles and everything. He also doesn’t like the feel of contractions too much, and so he pushes and stretches after a contraction. I must be black and blue in there. Brandon and I both get a kick out of my reactions. My “ow!”’s are not contractions, they are when he hits something funny. I am not sure if Brandon is just doing all of this to humor me, I know he is much more excited to actually see a baby.

This past Friday my coworkers threw me a small shower. It was really sweet. The other new moms took great care of me.

In regards to nesting, I am not sure if I am nesting more, or just my regular obsessive pregnant self. I am organized enough that the meet the baby party envelopes are labeled and organized, with all of the wording already in the computer. We just need to add the name, height, and weight, and click print. The house is pretty clean.

The family is certainly ready. Soon to be Aunt Melissa calls me every day now. It used to be a couple of times a week, but in the past week or so, it is every day. It is so appreciated, and I hope she realizes that. All four parents are acting like 4 soon to be grandparents. They also make Brandon and I laugh. They are trying to give me all of the old-wives tales, be supportive, and be antsy at the same time. So, I keep hearing about their schedules, excitement, and that Brandon and I should be having lots of “Whoopee.” It is a good thing we have such a great relationship with our parents, or there is the possibility it would drive the two of us crazy. Instead, I just feel swamped with love, and so grateful that we have a family that not only gets along with each other, but also is truly excited for us. This baby will be so loved.

My dad was here two weeks ago for a convention, and it was so nice to spend time with him. My mom came in last weekend, just because. I love my parents. Mom, Brandon, and I did nothing too interesting. We shopped, chilled, and ate dinner. But, it was fabulous.

Now, a waiting game. Today is our last doctor’s appointment. We are going to be talking about inducing. We shall see, but I should be a mommy soon. I keep going from excited, to nervous, to just numb of emotions. I probably sound like every other new mommy-to-be. I keep trying to say to myself what is happening, and I can’t seem to get it though my head. I think I have to see my baby at this point for it to really hit.

Lastly, while we have kept the name a secret, I really like it. About a week ago, he went from “Kermit” to “blank” in my mind. Unless you ask my students at school, and then he goes by “Twee-gee,” “Fabio,” and Uncle Joey has named him, “TyRONE.” I hope that I still love the name once I see his face, but I am pretty sure I will. Brandon and I think the name is perfect, so now we just need a baby to go with it!

1 comment:

RD said...

I am so so so happy for you! Reading your post made me think back to my final days. Lynda was born exactly on her due date.. hopefully Kermit won't keep you waiting past yours. I wish you all the best. Enjoy these last moments... he'll be here before you know it. I hope we can meet up again when we are in the same area. I'd love to meet him and have you meet Lynda. Feel good!