Sunday, January 25, 2009

36 weeks picture

This was taken a few days ago.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

35.5 weeks

Well, we are almost there! We have started our weekly checkups, and everything is still good. As of Wednesday, he was 5 pounds, 3 ounces according to the ultrasound. We don't have any ultrasound pictures, because he is already positioned, therefore he is facing down and my back. He actually kept using his hands to block the ultrasound camera, so we have no clue what his face looks like. Oh well, we will see soon enough. We are glad that he is properly positioned. I am getting more and more uncomfortable, but still doing pretty good. Having lots of contractions, but the doctor says they are normal and good.
I am having a hard time seeing what is the end of the tunnel is. I am just trying to get through each day with a positive attitude and not falling asleep. I can't seem to realize that I will be a mommy in a few weeks.