Tuesday, December 23, 2008

32 weeks update

Well, we had a big few days for the baby. We officially have a pediatrician, and had our 32 week appointment. Everything is still fine, strong heartbeat. Brandon and I are getting excited, knowing that we are so close. I am having Braxton Hicks contractions, but the doctor says they are normal. Winter break has started, which is very relaxing. We have a big family reunion next week for Grandma’s 80th birthday. That should be fun. Movements are getting more violent. But, all is well. Getting ready to be a mommy. Starting to get a little antsy and a little nervous, but still mostly excited.
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Monday, December 22, 2008

32 weeks picture

Boating at Downtown Disney.
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baby Pool

This is just something fun that Brandon and I are doing...if anyone is interested, go to http://www.expectnet.com/games/Diamondbaby and enter a guess of when you think the baby will be born!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

30 week checkup

Had a checkup yesterday, everything is still very healthy. The heartbeat was 146, which is right in the middle of normal, and I am growing at a good rate. I am still feeing good most of the time, and am really getting ready now. Our hospital bag was packed last weekend, and we have preregistered for the hospital. We are getting everything set up. I don't think it has hit me yet that we are actually going to have a baby soon. It still seems like this thing that is going to happen way in the future, but our due date is coming up fast. We are both really excited. Brandon said that it hit him when he took really teeny socks out of the dryer. Just excited about life and all of the wonderful upcoming things that we will be doing throughout the next few months.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

28 weeks

Wow! I haven't written in a while. Things are pretty great. I am having minor pregnancy issues, and my main "pregnancy emotion" is elation. I am really happy most of the time. We are getting really excited for the baby. We had a celebration during Thanksgiving, and got so many useful and cute things. It is so awesome that we have baby clothes in our house. I will start to try to write more. My belly is getting bigger, but I am carrying well. It just looks like a bump in the front. The nursery is painted, and it looks so beautiful. We started childbirth classes. We are really starting to get ready. The week of during Thanksgiving was greatly needed, I got to just focus on myself, my family, and relax a bunch. Life is pretty good. I will add a belly picture soon. Kermit kicks and moves all of the time now. He doesn't like to kick his father, but he loved to kick his Grandma (Bonnie, he was calm for Adela).